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About Us

UpLift your wellness & fitness journey with us.

Are you ready to transform your life and embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery? We’d love for you to be part of our uplifting community. Experience the power of a holistic approach to fitness and wellness. Let us uplift your mind, body, and spirit, and together, we’ll unlock your true potential. Let’s do this!

Personalized fitness programs designed to challenge and uplift you on your journey to a healthier, stronger self.

A holistic approach to well-being, offering mindful workouts, nutrition guidance, and support for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Empowering companies with wellness initiatives and team-building experiences to boost employee health and productivity.

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Meet our team

With loads of experience and know-how, we’re a team of highly enthusiastic fitness pros, health coaches, and nutrition experts.

Miguel Fragoso

Eliana Karam

Deep Saikia​

Francisco Laires

Miguel Fragoso

With a Bachelor’s degree in Sports and Physical Education and Health Coach certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), Miguel Fragoso offers a holistic approach to health.
With his knowledge and years of practical experience in physical performance, nutrition guidance, and mental well-being, Miguel takes his clients through a transformative coaching experience, fostering lasting results and sustainable lifestyle changes for overall health improvement.
Miguel’s diverse certifications and ongoing education showcase his passion for aiding individuals in achieving health goals. He is also a movement ambassador for Asics and collaborates with Technogym as an Educator and Master Trainer.

Eliana Karam

Eliana Karam is a remarkable professional who courageously transitioned from her corporate life as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to follow her true calling: empowering individuals physically and mentally and fostering a world where well-being thrives through personalized training programs and wellness coaching.
As a certified personal trainer accredited by the American Council of Exercise, Eliana specializes in women’s health, focusing on pre-natal and post-natal fitness. Her dedication and consistently delivering high-quality work have earned her a loyal clientele who appreciate her unwavering commitment to their fitness journeys.
In addition, Eliana is also a certified Corporate Wellness Consultant accredited by CCWS, offering her expertise to Upliftme’s corporate clients. With her corporate life and wellness background, Eliana is uniquely positioned to help organizations create tailored wellness programs that enhance their employees’ well-being, fostering a more productive workforce.

Deep Saikia​

Deep Saikia is a respected fitness coach, ACE-certified, REPS level 3 and CrossFit Level 2 coach, and holds Boxing and Kettlebell training certifications. Actively participating in global fitness summits, Deep stays current with industry trends and advancements, translating into his clients’ most up-to-date and effective training methods.

Whether designing personalized functional training programs or providing boxing and kettlebell training, Deep leverages his expertise to create dynamic and engaging sessions tailored to each client’s goals and abilities. His coaching style emphasizes motivation and empowerment, uplifting his clients beyond their limits.

As a valued UpliftMe team member, Deep exemplifies the professionalism and commitment to excellence that the company stands for.

Francisco Laires

A dedicated professional and founder of Gravity Based Training method with a bachelor’s degree in Sports Science from Portugal’s most prestigious university, Francisco specializes in optimizing human performance using his academic knowledge and deep passion for biohacking and calisthenics.

As a recognized expert in calisthenics, he offers personalized programs for individuals of all fitness levels, focusing on bodyweight exercises that build strength, flexibility, and endurance. Francisco’s biohacking expertise delves into advanced techniques and technologies, such as nutrition, supplementation, and sleep optimization, to help individuals unlock their full potential. He also conducts informative workshops and seminars on calisthenics, biohacking, and overall wellness.

Francisco’s mission is to uplift individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives by revolutionizing health and performance by combining calisthenics and biohacking.